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KNUST: Students’ Parliament House calls on Pro-vice Chancellor



The immediate past leadership of the 12th Parliament led by Rt. Hon. Frank Blay yesterday, May 7, 2019 paid a courtesy call on the Pro-vice chancellor, Prof. Mrs. Rita Akosua Dickson.

The call was to formally introduce the house to authorities and to discuss issues of students interest.

The Pro-vice Chancellor expressed gratitude for the call and encouraged next leadership of the house to always come to her doorstep if they need any assistance.

Prof. Rita further commended leadership of the house for offering themselves to render a service to students of KNUST. ” I am happy that you led your team to give whatever you can to KNUST and probably society”, she emphasized.

She then commended the house for organising the public lecture that had a lot of impact on students. “I still remember some of the words of the military man and the German Ambassador, It is still fresh in my mind and I think it was a nice program and I will say well done and to those of you coming in, the only option you have is forward, backward is not part of the options”, she added.

Prof. Dickson further said, communication is key in solving problems in every organization and so far as there is no blockage, she believes every problem can be solved. Prof. Rita Dickson then encouraged new leadership to communicate a lot with authorities and not to die in silence with their problems.

Rt. Hon. Frank Blay presents citation to the Pro-vice Chancellor, Prof. Mrs. Rita Akosua Dickson

About the KNUST Students’ Parliament House.

In the quest of the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana to extend its core ideals of democracy and to consciously bring up leaders at all levels of governance and in society, initiated THE STUDENTS PARLIAMENT HOUSE concept.

As a young organization formed in 2007 under the auspices of the Public Affairs directorate of the Parliament House, premised on facts, the ‘Speaker’ convenes a sitting and in consultation with the House, comes up with resolutions of which copies are covertly or overtly circulated to all persons concerned with the subject of the resolution.

Motivated solely to do what is right, on subjects of students’ interest, devoid of biases; their resolutions are unanimous and sincere and always have the support of majority of the student populace.

The Students Parliament House indeed has been effective on campus for the past 12 years and surprisingly it has served as a training grounds for a lot of students leaders on campus. Its alumni, Hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah is currently the youngest MP in Ghana representing the Kwabre East Constituency in the Ashanti Region.

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