CLIQAFRIQ: This is Africa on Social Media
6th March, 1957 at the Old Polo Grounds in Ghana, Pan African words were uttered by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. And he said “The Black man is capable of managing his own affairs” but on this piece, I would like to continue with some few words, “and capable to manage, involve and interact with others who are not blacks”.
This continuation is as a results of the all new CliqAfriq app, an application that was built by the winner of the student personality in IT (Mr. Abioye Oyetunji) as part of the National Students’ Awards to clique with Africans around the world.
Speaking to Mr. P.D. Orchill the Executive Director of NSA Ghana (Organisers of the National Students’ Awards), he made it clear that CLIQAFRIQ will pave way for the sharing of ideas for the holistic development of the continent and to better the lots of Africans across the globe.
He added that, it will give room for people to find existing jobs across the continent and also create a trade system across countries without any significant difficulty.
Not encroaching on time, Mr. Orchill threw some light on the unique features of the Application.
He said, users of CLIQAFRIQ could post all types of files from video, through text, to audio files. He added that audio files on CLIQAFRIQ stream as though you were using a podcast and videos stream with ease even if you share a video link from another platform.
Download CliqAfriq to enjoy these unique features.It also has a hall to socialize will be available cliques called CLIQCHAT
other important features are the CLIQJOBS and CLIQWALLET which will allow employers to recruit online and also enable Cliques to buy on the platform and advertise respectively.
Still on the features, there is CLIQLOVE which allows users to connect with the people they are emotionally attracted to.
Since there is Mensah in the house of every single individual, they will verify the accounts of politicians and prominent people to limit the rate at which people duplicate the accounts of others. This feature is to avoid fraud.
There is also CLIQPOLICE which is an anti theft platform and many other exciting platforms which allows users to feel free, relax and enjoy the platform WHERE AFRICA LIVES.
It must be noted that the name of the Application is obtained from a blend of two words ”Clique and Africa” to get CLIQAFRIQ and the logo has the image of ”teeth and tongue” , an African ‘Adinkra’ symbol representing friendship.
The logo indicates that we have to continue working together irrespective of our differences, because in our unity lies the fierce African Energy for global and continental development.
CLIQAFRIQ is definitely part of the great quest to continue the African Unity Agenda, and we entreat all Africans to join the train to share the African Fun together.
The whites broke our homes into pieces and later came back to teach as unity and strength but let’s collaborate with NSA Ghana to let it reach the world that there is a new Africa that understands Unity not from books but from actions.
Connect to CLIQAFRIQ by downloading the App or use the web version at
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