Markets In Accra Set To Be Closed To Pave Way For Fumigation Exercise From Monday, March 23, 2020


    Markets in Accra are set to be closed on Monday, March 23, 2020 in order for a fumigation exercise against the coronavirus to be undertaken.

    This was confirmed by the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Hajia Alima Mahama, during a media address.

    According to her, the whole exercise forms part of a nationwide disinfestation of public spaces to control the spread of the disease.

    She said the market women have been consulted on the move and they have duly consented to it.

    “They [market women] have all agreed on Monday and I was happy. They all see that there is expediency in the matter and we have to do it quick… in the Greater Accra Region, markets will be closed on Monday,” Hajia Alima Mahama said.

    She added: “Our children have been sent home. They are not supposed to go trading in the market so we will communicate that to the market women. We don’t want to go to the market and see children who should be at home trading.”

    Meanwhile, the number of Coronavirus cases recorded in Ghana have risen to 16 within the last one week.

    The Ghana Health Service, however, insists that all the victims are recovering well. fumigation exercise against the coronavirus to be undertaken.