Government has said old council members of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) should not be part of the new council.
“I can confirm to you that government’s position on the membership of the new council is that; individuals who sat on the old council ought not to be on the new council”, Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah revealed addressing the media Monday.
“The old council is a party to the impasse. Just as the actions of students, student leaders and school management will be subjects of the full investigation when the University is reopened, so will the actions and inactions of the old council be the subject of that investigation.
“The specific persons who constituted that council cannot therefore preside over the matters in which their own decisions and conduct will be a subject,” he added.
He further hinted that government and some other groups have already nominated new members.
“In the matter of group seats on council, The KNUST act requires representatives from groups. It does not ask for specific individuals, Government is not interested in deciding which specific individuals they nominate. The principle of specific persons who will end up becoming judges in their own cause is what government disagrees with,” he added.
According to him, government’s position is aimed at resolving “this disagreement that the chancellor is taking leadership in engaging with all nominating groups.”
Mr Oppong Nkrumah added that government looks forward to bringing a quick resolution to the matter once all parties cooperate with it.