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Apply Here: Jobs For Students

Si Hene

Si Hene is a foundation that serves to preserve the archives of the Chieftaincy and traditional culture of Ghana. We make it accessible to our people and bring awareness to our royal history!


We are excited to offer positions of Project Assistant (PA) and Interns! As Si Hene goes into our second year, we are planning to present our first official event in Ghana: A Traveling Exhibition throughout the country!

Si Hene

We are looking for passionate and driven individuals who are interested in Art, History, and Cultural studies.


Project Assistant: Starting: August or September 2021, Living/ Based in Accra, Part-time ( 2-3 days a week), Preferably: undergraduate and graduate students, Must be able to speak and write in Twi or Ewe (preferably Twi), Preferably Female

Interns: Starting: August or September 2021- March 2022, Living/ Based in Accra, Part-time ( 2-3 days a week), Preferably: undergraduate and graduate students, Must be able to speak and write in Twi or Ewe (preferably Twi), No prefer gender.

The position will consist of: Administrative work, Social Media Posting, Archiving, Setting up Space Documenting the behind the process, Traveling, Talking with the Chieftaincy!

The application consists of questions and a video upload. Link: https://sihene.typeform.com/to/SQ9AqRSL

We look forward to seeing your applications!! Email us at info@sihene.com for more information
Visit us on Website: sihene.com

Instagram: Instagram.com/si.hene
Twitter: twitter.com/si_hene
Facebook: facebook.com/SiheneGH

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