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We May Cancel or Raise Marking Scheme Over Leaks in Licensure Exams – NTC


We May Cancel or Raise Marking Scheme Over Leaks in Licensure Exams – NTC

The National Teaching Council (NTC), conductors of the just ended licensure examination is likely to raise the marking scheme if allegations of leaked questions are proven.

This follows reports of widespread examination malpractices with some candidates getting access to the papers before the exam.

Currently, some fourteen (I4) trainee teachers are assisting the police with investigations for their alleged roles in the suspected leak.

Speaking to Citi News, Public Relations Officer of the National Teaching Council, Dennis Owusu, said the Council will leave no stone unturned in their quest to get to the bottom of the alleged malpractice.

“When we mark the papers and we find that there was really a leakage, that is when we will take a decision and know what to do. Even if is it true that there was a leakage, there are so many ways of going around it and not necessarily cancelling the papers.

Either you increase the marking scheme, change the marking scheme or better still you can cancel the paper. By ending of this month or first week of next month, the results would have been ready.”

According to him, “some (teachers) were caught copying from mobile phones. Others too were impersonated while some others too went in with foreign materials. We can’t confirm the leakage until we mark the papers because we don’t have any material to that effect. “

Meanwhile, the Council says persons who could not get the chance to write the exam will be given another opportunity.

“We have some distance and sandwich students and even some of the trainees who were unable to write. And so we have a plan that at least December, we will reopen registration for them to register so that they can also join their colleagues,” Dennis Owusu added.

By: Godwin Akweiteh (CitiNewsRoom)

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