Landlords threaten to evict health workers over fears of contracting Covid-19


    Some landlords at New Edubiase in the Ashanti region have threatened to evict health workers for fear of contracting Covid-19.

    According to the Medical Superintendent of the New Edubiase Government Hospital, the attitude of some landlords is worrying, especially at a time when health workers need the utmost support from citizens.

    Dr Allan Tiertoore indicated that the landlords are suspicious of potential spread of the virus by health workers to other tenants when they return home since they are in regular contact with patients.

    He threatened that if a single health worker is evicted it would compel the entire staff to boycott services and return to their various communities.

    “If they evict one health worker, they have evicted all of us from the hospital.”

    New Edubiase has so far recorded three Covid-19 cases which health workers say they are working tirelessly to prevent from spreading.

    Chief of New Edubiase Traditional Area, Oguahyia Oduro Panin Birikorang has also called on residents to unite and remain focus in order to be able to fight the disease.

    As part of measure by the traditional council to help the health facility fight the pandemic, the chief has donated ₵27, 000 worth of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the hospital.

    The items include 4,000 facemasks, 1,000 hand gloves, 600 bottles of sanitizers, among others.

    Oguahyia Birikorang admonished residents to adhere to preventive measures outlined by health officials.