KNUST: SRC Parliamentary Council Outdoors New Logo


    The legislative arm of the KNUST Students’ Representative Council, SRC Parliamentary Council has successfully launched its official logo.

    In communique copied to the council says the new Logo/ Mace of the SRC Parliamentary Council is and should be the symbol not only of the Supreme Coequal authority and branch of Students Governorship but also of the authority of the Council altogether.

    Find below the communique..

    K N U S T S R C
    The leadership of the SRC Parliament wishes to announce to the Your highly trusted media house of the completion and adoption of a new distinctive Logo.

    The new Logo/ Mace of the SRC Parliamentary Council is and should be the symbol not only of the Supreme Coequal authority and branch of Students Governorship but also of the authority of the Council altogether. The authority of the Speaker and that of the COUNCIL must remain indivisible and of greater importance to the creed behind the draft of the SRC Constitution.

    The Logo/Mace replacing the old one is to create a distinctive line between the Executive Council and the Parliamentary Council as we previously shared the SRC’s logo. This is the first step to send the ultimate message to the student body our commitment to conduct proper oversight on the Executive and also provide support and assistance where necessary. The Logo is characterized by a strong Building of democracy and in front is a constitution that signifies the major role of this council, Parliamentary Privileges, Ratifications, Advice and Consenting roles and Inquisition. The Logo accounts for all registered Constituencies in the parliament through the visibility of their own distinctive Logos. It also uses the School colors and is also consistent with the Colours of the Parliamentary Council.


    —3 Different Colors consistent with the School and Council’s colors.

    —14 distinctive Logos of all constituencies: Signify Equal and Fair Representation in the Council.

    —3 Strong Pillar Building: Signify 3 major bedrock of Legislative institutions in this case Parliamentary Democracy, Parliamentary Oversight and Legislation.

    —Constitution in front of the Building: This signify the supremacy of the SRC constitution and the great intentions of the framers of the great Book. It is infront of the building to Signify the reverence and authority is contains.

    It contains the slogan of the Parliamentary Council (Democracy in Student Governance)

    Thank you.

    ?….. Signed
    Rt. Hon.Asamoah Agyemang Hunvilla
    ( Speaker of Parliament )

    Gloria Opoku Boateng
    ( Clerk )

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