There is one thing about me, I don’t look up to any celebrity. I really don’t want to be like any big man. I admire lots of well known people, but hardly would you hear me professing that I want to be like this or that person.
I believe God can make me bigger and mightier than the well known people we see now. Yes, there are some of them that I derive inspiration from but, I never want to be like any of them. I don’t know if I can make the sacrifices they have made to get to where they are. I keep telling you that, everything is just about a matter of time.
I see most of my people post heavy cars and wish to drive such cars even now as they are unemployed or receiving less than 3k Ghana cedis as salary in the case of one having a job. If you get that car now, what would you use it for?
Would you be able to stand the societal pressure it comes with? Can you afford the fuel to fill that machine? And do you know the amount it takes to fill it?
See, I’m bitterly against the assertion that, celebrities of today are influencing the youth negatively. I think that is never the case, not the instance at all. You chose to be impacted negatively by your own greediness and stupidity.
Why would you forcefully want to spend heavily like someone who has a huge influence on society and has whole lots of deals, networks, and projects that give him/her money?
Usually, I engage some of my lady friends for their take on some social issues especially when it comes to being relevant as a lady, and it appears 85% of them want to be independent even at the age of 18-25. But how does one become independent when he or she remains unemployed?
Neither working nor doing any meaningful thing that brings money to them, but they want to be independent, they don’t even want to take any money from their parents. For some of them, their parents even borrow money from them knowing they are not working, and neither are doing any business.
Engage them further to know why they really want to be independent though they are not working, and they can’t satisfactorily satisfy your curiosity.
They want to be independent as ladies, even between the ages of 18-25. They are not married, not working, and want to be independent and wouldn’t want to take money from their parents.
Most of them feel that, at the age of 18-25, it is disturbing to take money from their parents. You are not married, nor are you working as a young lady between 18-25 or have any business, but you want to deprive your parents of their responsibility of taking care of you?
So they resort to these flashy lives of well known females in Ghana and take massive inspiration from their lifestyles and would want to be like them even at the expense of their beautiful life, future, and to some extent health. Many a time, I become awfully sad for the innocent young men who will settle with these kinds of girls as wives.
Young lady, live a life within your means. Do not follow these well known ladies on the media to live any life that you would regret in the future. There are a lot of sacrifices you can’t make and hurdles you cannot cross.
Some things these girls do can only kill you when you get to know them. Avoid developing momentary inspiration from anyone that can make you put away your morals. There is this damsel I met in the university who was overly spiritual and dedicated to the things of God.
Today, you can only help yourself through erection by watching her status. The kind of pictures and videos of herself she’ll post are awful (even though sometimes I enjoy-giggled) all because she has always wanted to be independent and that’s only possible by moving with the big men.
The inspiration was just from the fact that her friends from a solid financial background are using expensive gadgets, so by all means possible she has to match up. You are not from a rich home but want to live the same life as the daughter of Kessben, Despite and the imminently wealthy Amoako-Gyampa?
Dear young man, you have to exercise equanimity and relax for yourself. You are even lucky that at your age, you have a degree. For nothing at all, you met some good coursemates and schoolmates at your tertiary institution.
Most of the big men we see today didn’t have any meaningful life when they were your age. I know most of your friends and mates are up there, but have you asked yourself who supported them to get there?
May hap, their families are overly responsible and concerned about their well being but you, you are starting and building everything from scratch. Why follow a celebrity whose social media account can make him live any life that he wants because of the money he makes from it?
You overly admire big men and big projects, forgetting that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Even God created the world within 6 days, and you can agree that in the sight of God, one (1) day is like a thousand (1000) years. It only takes a few minutes for your destiny to change, and that is TIME.
Your life can be transmogrified to a blossom one within a twinkle of an eye. Don’t let anyone pressure you to put your life on the line.
You definitely don’t know what you’ll gain while alive. Let’s give ourselves some time. While waiting, prepare and train yourself to be able to handle the big opportunity that awaits you after the test!
Yes, it is an undeniable fact that, you move with people who can change your life within the shortest possible time by placing just a call, but they want you to over-serve them all because they didn’t get it easy when they were like you, but keep pressing on.
Develop yourself and keep pushing hard for when you finally get there, it’s a lesson to treat your followers not the same way you have been treated. You have fought a good fight, and it’s almost time for you to enjoy it.
Refuse to be pressured by anyone living lavishly and extravagantly, for you don’t know the sacrifices he/she has made. Look up to no celebrity, just look up to God, Time, and Season!
– Kwame Amoako-Gyampa.