Home General Articles Fees Tamale Technical University Fees 2022/2023

Tamale Technical University Fees 2022/2023


In this post, we are going to share with you the Tamale Technical University Fees for the 2022/2023 academic year.

The Management of Tamale Technical University (TATU) has released the fees structure for the 2022/2023 Academic Session. Fees vary based on the programme You are undertaking. There are different school fees for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.

Note: Kindly make sure to confirm your name on the admission list before proceeding to pay your fees.

Tamale Technical University (TATU) FEES 2022/2023

We have given the breakdown of the School Fees Schedule of the various programmes offered by the University.

Prospective students and continuing students are advised to check the fees well to know the exact amount they will be paying;

Programme1st year2nd year3rd year
Bachelor of Technology in Accounting with computingGH¢2,583.00GH¢1,927.00–
Bachelor of Technology in Agric. Engineering full timeGH¢2,430.90GH¢2,486.68–
Bachelor of Technology in Agric. Engineering (part time)GH¢3,393.28GH¢3,449.06–
Bachelor of Technology in Hospitality and Tourism managementGH¢2,761.73GH¢2,825.32–
HND Accountancy, Marketing and Sec and management StudiesGH¢1,600.87GH¢1,220.32GH¢1,417.98
HND Building Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Welding/Fabrication and Electrical EngineeringGH¢1,794.00GH¢1,413.00GH¢1,611.00
HND Industrial Art and Fashion Design and Textiles StudiesGH¢1,761.00GH¢1,381.00GH¢1,579.00
HND Tropical AgricultureGH¢2042.66GH¢1,607.76GH¢1,833.65
HND StatisticsGH¢1,600.87GH¢1,220.32GH¢1,417.98
HND Media and Communication StudiesGH¢1,789.72GH¢1,409.18GH¢1,606.84
HND TourismGH¢1,834.00GH¢1,454.00GH¢1,651.00
Hotel Catering and Institutional Management (HCIM)GH¢1,706.00GH¢1,325.00GH¢1,525.00
HND Information and Communication TechnologyGH¢1,729.35GH¢1,348.81GH¢1,546.46
HND Agricultural EngineeringGH¢1,794.00GH¢1,413.00GH¢1,611.00
Part-time HND Accountancy, Marketing and Secretariaship and Management StudiesGH¢2,116.47GH¢1,735.92GH¢1,933.58
Part-time Information and Communication Technology and HCIM WeekendGH¢2,244.89GH¢1,874.66GH¢2,102.08
DBS Accounting, Marketing, Management, Statistics, Purchasing/supply, Event Management and Entrepreneurship/Finance and Banking, Statistics and Purchasing SupplyGH¢800.00GH¢750.00GH¢7500.00
DBS Secretarial/ICT OptionGH¢850.00GH¢800.00–
Full Time Craft (Intermediate)GH¢750.00GH¢750.00GH¢750.00
Advanced Craft ProgrammesGH¢862.38GH¢731.28–
9 Months Access CourseGH¢1,038.70––
Fees for Diploma in Computerized Accounting programmesGH¢1,543.80GH¢1,401.14–
Fees for Diploma in Business Administration ProgrammesGH¢1398.30GH¢1,255.64–
Professional Diploma Programmes FeesGH¢1,440.00GH¢1363.44–


In this article, we provided all you needed to know about Tamale Technical University Fees.

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